Unix Shell Scripting Training

Unix Shell Scripting Training covers fundamentals regarding SH (Bourne Shell), CSH and KSH. Scripting is all about making the computer, the tool, do the work and this tutorial assists you in achieving your object.
Unix Shell Scripting Training Curriculum

UNIX Background

Introduction about Operating System (OS)
Introduction to UNIX
List of UNIX vendors available in Market
Introduction to various UNIX Implementations
History of UNIX OS Evolution from 1969
Open Source (vs.) Shared source (vs.) Closed source
Is Unix Open Source software?.

LINUX OS background
Popular LINUX distributions/Vendors
Similarities between Unix & Linux
Differences between Unix & Linux
About POSIX standards.
UNIX System Architecture

Hardware, Kernel, Shell, Utilities and User programs
Layers in Unix OS
Unix Servers/Dumb terminals/nodes.
UNIX System Features

Multitasking, Multiuser, Easy Portability, Security, Communication.
UNIX Day-To-Day Used Commands

System Information commands (uname, date, etc)
Man command and User Related (w, who, etc)
Terminal Related (stty, etc)
Filter commands (more, less, etc)
Miscellaneous commands (cal, banner, clear, etc)
Viewing exit status of commands and Disk Related commands.
UNIX File System

Introduction to Unix tree structure
Inode representation
Introduction to 3 types of files – Ordinary, Directory, Special, 3 different ways of new file creation (touch, cat, vi)
File system commands (ls, mkdir, cd, etc)
Wild card characters
File Permissions & security.
Input/Output Redirection and Piping

Introduction to Redirection/piping, Output Redirection Example
Input Redirection Example
Error Redirection Example.
UNIX Processes

Introduction to Unix processes
Program (vs.) Process
System processes & commands
User processes & commands
Finding processes information using ‘grep’
Background & foreground processing
Kill signal
Setting process priorities
Avoiding hang-ups using ‘nohup’
Job Scheduling

Introduction to job scheduling
Run jobs at regular intervals using crontab
Run jobs at specific intervals using ‘at’.
UNIX Communication

On-line communication using write, wall, talk, etc.
Offline communication using mail, news, etc.
UNIX Environment Variables

Introduction to ‘echo’ command
System defined environment variables
User defined environment variables
Creating user defined environment variables.
VI Editor

Introduction to Visual Editor
Understanding 3 basic modes of operations
Cursor Movement commands
Scrolling commands
Editing text commands, Copying and pasting text
Shell commands, Text Buffers, Search commands.
UNIX System Files & Default User Settings

Introduction to system files (/etc/passwd)
Creating user aliases ($HOME/.bashrc)
Sourcing environment ($HOME/.bash_profile)
Logout action file ($HOME/.bash_logout).
UNIX Shell Scripting

Introduction to Shell
Types of shells
Evolution/History of various Unix shells
Introduction to Shell scripting
Difference between programming and scripting
Steps in handling shell scripts
Writing first shell script – “Hello World…!”.
Shell Scripting Basic Examples

Adding comments
Displaying output to screen
Variables declaration
Arithmetic operations
Read Input from command line
Interactive Addition program
Positional Parameters
Command Line arguments
Arithmetic operations using command line arguments
Command line arguments using SHIFT operator
Scope of Variables.
Conditional Statements

Sequence control structure (vs.) decision-making structure
If-then-if statement
If-then-else-if statement
If-then-if-else-if statement TEST command
Case – esac statement
String operations, Examples.
Flow Control Statements

For Loop, While loop, Until loop, Loop nesting, Break/continue commands
Examples on For/While/Until
For + ls example
While + case example
If + grep example
For + sed + awk example.
Compression & Archive Commands

Introduction to Archiving
Introduction to Compression
Archive (vs.) compression
Creating archives
Compressing & uncompressing files
Compressed Archives.
Miscellaneous, but Useful Topics

Transferring files between Unix servers using FTP
Remote login to another Unix server
Starting and shutting down the servers
Writing C programs in Unix OS
Compiling and debugging C programs in Unix OS.
Advanced Shell Scripting (SED, CUT)

SED Introduction
Difference between “” and ‘’, s for substitution
SED Delimiters
Using & as the matched string
SED Multiple instructions
Multiple instructions through script, Printing, Deleting in SED, cut, tr commands
Lab Exercises.
Advanced Shell Scripting (AWK)

AWK Introduction
AWK Basic syntax & Examples
AWK Inbuilt variables (FS, OFS, NR, RS, FILENAME), BEGIN, PRINT, END blocks in AWK
Inbuilt AWK functions (length, Index, sub, substr, tolower, toupper, split), IF Condition, Loops (While, DO … WHILE, FOR), Break – Continue – Exit, Arrays
Lab Exercises.

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  • 0 Hrs

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