WODM / ILOG JRules Training

WODM / ILOG JRULES Training is essential for orchestrating rule set execution, Reviewing rules, Debugging rules and administration rules in the server. It provides an integrated business rules and event management platform to improve the quality of the transaction.


WODM/ILOG JRULES Training Curriculum

Introduction to WODM or ILOG JRules

Describe at a High level, the process of building a business rule application with IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules /WODM
Introducing business rules
Introducing rule governance (optional)

Rule Design

Identify how rule elements are organized in Rule Studio
Identify the characteristics and designing of BOM
Identify the characteristics and designing of XOM
Establish BOM to XOM mapping
Orchestrate rule execution
Identify the need for a rule extension model

Rule Authoring

Given a scenario, determine which rule artifact should be used
Given a scenario, determine which variable (automatic, ruleset, rule) or parameter should be used
Identify the rule editor that should be used
Identify the correct use of BAL language constructs
Identify the correct use of IRL language constructs
Define and improve the verbalization of the rules
Given a scenario, identify which rule authoring configuration is needed

Rule Execution

Execute rules in Rule Studio
Given a scenario, choose the correct engine algorithm
Debug rule execution
Given a scenario, identify the appropriate rule engine integration strategy

Rule Validation

Write test scenarios including using a custom scenario provider
Perform the steps to setup rule validation using DVS
Check rule consistency and completeness

Rule Deployment

Synchronize between rule authoring environments


About Rule Designer
Designing a rule project, Rule set execution, Authoring rules, Debugging a rule project and Testing Execution of rules.
Creating Action rules, Decision Table and implementing them with rule flow.
Defining Rule Vocabulary and Creating rule flow.
Design Java- or XML-based execution object models upon which rules will be executed Orchestrate how business rule artifacts in rule projects will be executed
Orchestrating rule set execution, Authoring rules and Reviewing rules and Debugging rules
Deploying rules to Rule Execution Server and Executing rules with Rule Execution Server
Administration of rules in Server.

  • 10 Days
  • 0 Units
  • 0 Hrs

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