1. Introduction to Objects in Javascript & Node.js

Learning Objectives – In this module, you will learn how to work with objects in JavaScript along with a complete introduction to Node.js. We will also look at setting up the Node.js environment, NPM etc.
Topics – Objects in JavaScript, About Node.js, Working of Node.js, Working with CLI and Node REPL,  Node’s Package Manager: NPM, Installation of Node.js, Learning the Dynamics of Client and Server-side JavaScript, First Node.js Program.

2. Modules / Packages

Learning Objectives – In this module you learn to use built-in, NPM and your own modules in your Node.js project. Also Learn how to publish your own modules to NPM.
Topics – Basics of Modules, Introduction to Node.js Built-in Modules, Introduction to NPM, Understanding NPM CLI, Installing, Updating and Removing Modules using NPM, Creating your own Modules, Publishing your own Modules to NPM, Understanding NPM’s coding style, Choosing the right NPM Module for your Project.

3. Events & Streams

Learning Objectives – In this module, you will take a look at Node.js’ unique EventEmitter Pattern and the concept of Streams. You will also learn Reading and Writing Files using the File System Module.
Topics – Reading and Writing Buffers, Understanding Events and the Event Emitter Pattern, Understanding Node.js Streams, The File System Module.

4. Network Communication & Web Technology in Node.js

Learning Objectives – In this module, you will learn about networking using Node.js and understanding certain nuances of Web Technologies using Node.js. You will also learn network communication using TCP/IP and UDP and how to set up HTTP using Node.js.
Topics – Network Communication in Node.js, Setting up a TCP/IP server and client, Communicating using UDP, Setting up an HTTP Server, Handling Requests and Responses in HTTP.

5. Build Web Applications using ExpressJS & MongoDB

Learning Objectives – In this module, you will learn about Express JS to build Web Applications. You will also learn how to interact with Databases, especially NoSQL DBs like MongoDB and deal with templating engines like Jade / Hogan / Handlebars for HTML. Also you will learn about certain front-end technologies like Twitter’s Bootstrap and Browserify.
Topics – Introduction to ExpressJS, Installation and Configuration of a Express JS Project, Routing, Middleware, Security Issues, DB communication: MongoDB, HTML Templates: Jade / Hogan/ Handlebars, User Authentication in Express JS, Sessions and Cookies, Session Stores, An Introduction to Browserify, An Introduction to Bootstrap.

6. Realtime Communication using Socket.io

Learning Objectives – In this module, you will learn how to communicate using WebSockets and how Socket communication over the net is changing the way the web works.
Topics – Introduction to WebSockets, Setting up and Configuring Socket.io, Real Time communication using Socket.io, User Authentication using Socket.io, Introduction to Token based Authentication using JWT.

7. Forks, Spawns and the Process Module

Learning Objectives – In this module, you will learn how to create process forks and spawns using the Process and Child Process modules of Node.js.
Topics – Understanding Processes in Node.js, Creating a Fork and a Spawn, Process Communication in Node.js.

8. Testing in Node.js

Learning Objectives – In this module, you will learn about testing in Node.js using a testing framework like Mocha/Jasmine and Node.js’ in built assertion module.
Topics – Introduction to Assert in Node.js, Testing using Mocha, Introduction to Jasmine, Using the Chai Assertion Module.

9. Node.js in the Tech World & Project

Learning Objectives – In this module, you will briefly learn about the various advancements in Node.js and how it has been making waves in various areas including Embedded Systems and Robotics. You will also learn about the various interesting Node.js Packages and NPM Modules.
We will also start working on a To-Do List App Project. We will be discussing how to go about the development and coding. In this project, you will be using all the features of Node.js and the allied technologies you have learned during the course.
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